The Remnant Reformed Baptist Church is made up of a body of Christ that is served by two distinct offices. These two offices are elder and deacon. Our church is an elder led congregation. Rather than one CEO pastor who runs the entire church, our congregation is led by two elders who desire to oversee, feed, and lead the church family. This model is rooted in the New Testament structure of the early church where we see multiple elders serving individual churches (James 5; Acts 20).
Remnant Reformed operates under the oversight of a plurality of elders (pastors). These elders must meet the Biblical qualifications laid out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Both of our elders oversee the vision, direction, and shepherding needs of our church family. This includes meeting together, praying together, and sharing in the physical and spiritual needs of the church.
The office of deacon is filled by men who are gifted and set aside for ministry service and must meet the Biblical qualifications laid out in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
The church will add qualified and called men to these offices as The Lord provides.
Chris Barlow
Chris’s main objective is to do all things for the Glory of God! In pursuit of this endeavor, he yielded to God’s call in 2014 and began to transition out of his career in Clinical Laboratory Science into ministry. He, his wife, and their daughter moved to Scottsburg in 2018 to pursue the call of planting a Reformed Church. In September 2020, The Remnant Reformed Baptist Church had its first service when it ordained Chris as one of its Elders. Chris has a fire in his bones to preach The Word of God, and is passionate about proclaiming the Holiness of God and admonishing all to live in the fear of The Lord.

Jonathan Shelton
Jonathan grew up in Scott County, Indiana. God drew him to faith as a believer in his late teens. By God’s grace and long suffering, Jonathan continued to grow in faith and understanding of scripture according to the Doctrines of Grace and Reformed Theology. In 2015, after being medically separated from 13 years of service in the United States Marine Corps, he moved back the the area. God then called him to be a Youth Pastor at a local Baptist church for two years. He then served as an Associate Pastor and later held the office of Elder. In 2020 Jonathan was ordained by The Remnant Reformed Baptist Church where he currently serves as an Elder. He and his wife, Natalie, have been married since July 2004 and have two children.